A Guide to Sites, Museums, and Memory

The Children of Whitney Contributor: Whitney Plantation

The Children of Whitney
The Children of Whitney. Woodrow Nash, an artist based in Akron, Ohio, built these pieces with clay.
The Children of Whitney
The most striking encounters on Whitney Plantation are with the statues of slave children who look so frighteningly real. They constantly remind people that it wasn't just adults that lived, worked, and died on plantations.
The Children of Whitney
The most striking encounters on Whitney Plantation are with the statues of slave children who look so frighteningly real. They constantly remind people that it wasn't just adults that lived, worked, and died on plantations.

The most striking encounters at Whitney Plantation are with the statues of slave children who look so frighteningly real. They constantly remind people that it wasn’t just adults that lived, worked, and died on plantations. Woodrow Nash, an artist based in Akron, Ohio, made these pieces out of clay.

Whitney Plantation, Louisiana, United States
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