Slavery and Revolution Southampton, United Kingdom
“Slavery and Revolution” is a website about slavery in Jamaica during the Age of Revolution (1770-1820). The site uses a blogging format to showcase excerpts from letters written by Simon Taylor (1738-1813), a slaveholder and plantation owner who lived in Jamaica during a period characterized by revolution, war, and imperial reform. Slavery and Revolution is a free resource and open to anyone. The material on the site is intended for use by academics, students, and others to use in their research, teaching, and learning.
The website is part of work at the University of Southampton on the topics of slavery and abolition and stemmed from a UK Arts and Humanities Research Council grant, funding research led by Dr. Christer Petley on the fall of the planter class in the British Caribbean. The Discipline of History at Southampton offers several undergraduate modules about the history of slavery, including a Special Subject exploring the rise of British abolitionism and processes of slave emancipation in the Caribbean, and an MA option about Atlantic slavery, looking at the period between c. 1500 and c.1900, with particular focus on slavery in North America and the Caribbean.
The Special Collections at the Hartley Library of the University of Southampton contain the Oates Collection of rare published items about Africa, Atlantic slavery, and abolitionism.
Related Topics:
- British Slave Trade
- Maroon Communities in the Americas
- Latin American Revolutions
- Haitian Revolution
- Slave Ship Mutinies
- Slavery in the Age of Revolutions
- American Revolution
- Cap-Français
- Jamaica
- French Revolution
- Resistance and Independence
- Haiti (Saint-Domingue)
- Middle Passage
- Rebellions and Conspiracies
Related Pages:
- Jamaica
- Rebellions and Conspiracies
- Latin American Revolutions
- Nanny
- Cap-Français
- Toussaint Louverture